Flirting … an art. … and it’s a lot related with our ability of connecting and synchronising with other souls. … written by the renowned romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Flirting … an art. … and it’s a lot related with our ability of connecting and synchronising with other souls. … written by the renowned romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

It is said that we should listen to old people … and try to u really understand their wisdom … but somehow … i’ve always ignored this saying.

I’ve liked to chat with them … listen to what they had to say … but l’ve always ignored their advices.

Today … looking back in time … i’ve saw that they were always right.

And i remember about an old guy that was coming to the coffee shop were i was most of the time.

Sometimes … he was joining me and my friends … telling us about his life theories… somehow metamorphosing himself in sort of a motivational speaker for us.

And one of the most weird episodes was when … one day … our friend Mike was keep telling us about his love story with Larissa.

In fact he was telling us everyday … one million details … explaining all about what it means connection between 2

souls … but also what synchronising means … and how can we practice that from making love … to simple walks into the park.

I could write a book about the subject … only by mentioning Mike’s theories …. and it should be a real long book.

But our old friend had enough of listening to Mike … and one day he replied …. “Listen my friend!

I’ve been married 3 times … and had been in connection with 300 women during my lifetime.

Today you might look at me … and laugh of me… but when i was young … i was looking much, much better than all of you from here.

All i can say to you … Mike … is just … stop it!!

Yes … stop it!

I saw your Larissa … and i know her by a long time.

Same as me … she masters the art of connecting and synchronising with other souls.

She knows …. to flirt … to taste and enjoy energies of the opposite sex.

… but indeed today she is with you, same as i’ve been with my 3 wives and the other 300 women from my life.

I am disappointing you … but … you need to understand …. you and all your friends from here … that connecting and synchronising to souls … it’s sometimes sort of a hobby and have nothing to do with the love.

You … all of you … which are listening to me … actually ignoring the wisdom of an old soul … make a huge confusion.

Connecting … and synchronising into a relationship … it’s more about tasting and enjoying energies that our souls need.

And … you need to be aware that this is not necessary… love.

I would dare to affirm … today … that is more about flirting … into a continuous way … with one … or why not … with more persons.

I know a lot about the art of flirting … and i really consider it an art … but i laugh seeing you all … the young generations … believing that being in a relationship… being well connected… synchronising in many things done together …. might have something to do … with love.

You … mix the concepts.

You … don’t really understand or feel those elementary definitions of a love story.

Love is something else … and even if so many writers and poets tried to define it in words … it’s almost impossible to be defined.

I can conclude only that … you all … make the confusion between flirting… in continuously form … with one partner … or more … and be in love.

… cause only tasting and enjoying energies is not love.

And … Mike … please stop being ridiculous !

Just … stop it!

You feel good … or maybe amazing with Larissa … but you don’t really have a love story.

I know her too.

She simple adore to taste energies.

It’s sort of a food for her.

… an energetic food.

And you … Mike … you simple don’t know anything about life … about flirting, about love, connection or synchronising our energies.”

I was listening to the old guy … and … i could not believe it … cause i was such an idiot.

I also mixed the concepts … believing that connecting and synchronism is actually love … totally forgetting the example with the dance partners … that can make an extraordinary show together … on a beautiful music … but actually not even be together.

Cause … yes many, many relationships … might be amazing… but not necessary related to love.

And damn it … i’ve wrote so much … believing something else.

Like always into my writings … i’ve wrote something… then … something else.

… totally contradictory.

I was … indeed …. incoherent, but accepting that we know only partially the truth about life is maybe ok.

I had not replied to the old guy.

I knew that at his age … having the experience of connecting to 300 women … he really knew what he was talking about … and most probably… all i had to do was to be more opened minded.

But … it was so annoying to accept the fact that connecting and synchronising is more about the art of flirting and tasting energies of other souls … than love.

Download the book ”Connection is about … syncronising energies — philosophical essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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